magic power

Vishuddhi Chakra

Visha = impurity, poison Shuddhi = purification

known as the Throat Chakra.....  centre of physical and spiritual purification.  immense purificatory ....

The Devas  and Āsuras .....wanted to raise the treasure Amrita ...the nectar of immortality...  hidden in the depths of the ocean,... to the surface.... they used Mount Mandara... as the stirring stick and the world serpent Vāsuki.... as the rope.... The gods held the tail of the snake... and the demons held its head....  able to churn the ocean of the world ...with their combined power...., the longed-for Amrita rose to the surface in a golden vessel.....But the serpent.... they had used to churn the oceans spat out a deadly poison.... that was capable of destroying the whole earth.... Quickly the Devas caught it in a bowl... so it was not able to do any harm.... But as they had absolutely no idea... what to do with it... or how they could permanently “dispose” of it,.... only  Lord Shiva have the power courage and help.

He is the most gracious of all the gods,.... He took the bowl of poison and drank it down to the very last drop.....  he did not swallow the poison... but held it in the Vishuddhi Chakra.... and purified it by.... means of  Prānāyāma and  Bandha... he rid the world of a deadly peril....  the poison his throat was coloured dark blue... Nīlakantha ....the blue-throated one....deep symbolism ....negative thoughts and qualities are the demons... the Devas, are  good qualities – understanding, compassion, mercy, love, devotion and wisdom.... both qualities exist within us...,  the nectar of divine wisdom and immortality... and the poison of ignorance and earthly mortality... exist simultaneously in the world. ..., however...the ocean of the world propels us in this two directions the serpent represents theKundalinī... is the power of the divine Shakti.... the holy Mother ...she brings the hidden treasure up from the depths of our inner being.

Nowadays numerous poisons are endangering the world.... destructive influence through ...exhaust fumes, waste, radioactivity, poisonous chemicals and much more.... We urgently need the help of Lord Shiva... to neutralise these poisons.... you should become conscious of our divine origin.... and protect and purify the environment with.... “Shiva´s consciousness”.

the help of the Vishuddhi Chakra ....we can rid ourselves of the toxic substances... that are absorbed from the environment..., as well as mental impurities.... An important and life-supporting function of the Chakra... is the purification and detoxification of harmful substances... that accumulate in the body and primarily come from the food we eat and the air we Vishuddhi Chakra united with a strong Udāna Prāna ....contributes substantially to the preservation of health..

 is not just the external world that is extremely polluted..., but also the psyche and consciousness .....  as long as the pernicious, toxic qualities of discord,... rivalry, envy and resentment eat .....away at our mind,... the light of divine consciousness cannot shine Lord Shiva neither spat the poison out..., nor swallowed it,,,, we should not swallow our problems... as we harm ourselves through this... but we should also not spit them out this can cause another type of damage... like my beloved Lord Shiva,... who purified the poison in his throat..., we can also resolve our problems... with the help of the Vishuddhi Chakra....

before you dive into the Vishuddhi Chakra..., examine yourself honestly.. as to whether you are really ready... to look in the mirror of your own reality....when the Vishuddhi Chakra is blocked....  blind to their own mistakes... and try to lay the blame and responsibility... for their unhappiness and misfortune... with others....

important pillars of support on the spiritual path..... everybody need a shoulder...that we can lean on... in order to rest and gather fresh strength.... my safest refuge is ... ISHTADEVATA...  my personally revered divinity...., who never abandons me... never disown me....and constantly supports me... with never-ending love and patience....

element of the Vishuddhi Chakra is akasha astral body that is able to leave the physical body ...astral journeys....completely spontaneous separation ... but not be afraid...always a fine band of consciousness... existing between the astral and physical bodies.... through  Shakti... she allows to travel in other spheres of consciousness.... and brings us back again matter how far away we are...

Lotus blossom in the Vishuddhi Chakra has 16 petals...sixteen Siddhis ..supernatural powers....16 also refers to the moon...female principle...the giver of nectar... HAM ... I am.... SO HAM ...Vishuddhi Chakra is the gate... through which we are able to raise our consciousness... to a higher level....the border between the physical ...and astral levels... between consciousness and superconsciousness....   across  the ascent...  to the realm of wisdom and clarity of consciousness


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