
Es werden Posts vom Juli, 2017 angezeigt.

no word need it



    The downpress- system imposed by the religions doctrins... reflected their colour the bible....koran...and ..and Jaiminiya Brahamana I.161-63 hymn.... is a clear reference to the rape and murder of the strange goddess....long tongue.... or ma Kali...., by the Vedic gods Indra and Sumitra.....but this story not function...mother take over.... the highest and noble female warrior from atlantis....early time called.. nagaland of kush....the goddess wor ... shipping Shakta traditions.... come from the aincient female spiritual manifestation ......this spirituality bring the earliest settlers over the world... from altlantis....nagaland of kush... but the coloureded gods,....was high.... but the blue-skinned gods and goddesses that the spiritual texts once regarded with trepidation as .....aliens..."evil....destructive or "belligerent...... Shiva and Kali. ...not white ...not brown...not black....what means this.... the light have

higher tantric

    the first of the higher tantric not with how many i can have sex...low magic energy field....but the tantric yanas.... the maha yoga the great union....yes many have a good lines or teaching of the maha yoga...but is a vast to discuss abouth imposible to discuss...yes some mayve have some principle or magical aspects....yes of corse many have a highlight about it...but the reason is ....that mahayoga...the kündzop and töndam is complete.... truth and know ... ing... if you move higher like the 3 lower yana...than in dharmakaya you will overstand the absolutly and relative truth..... back to reality...back to the relative world ...and back to the relative truth...but this you dont reach the understanding of dhamrakaya....but in mahayoga theres is a deeper view of the relaity...deep enough gain dharmakaya... then you realize dharmakaya doesn not exist by the way of absolutly truth alone....but by the way of relative truth point as well... to g

principle of body

  the principle of body mind speech... we relative the phenomenal world... such a relationship is not necessary spiritual... is physícal a question of being... sanity or of openness...nontheistic disciplin of developing... look left right above and below....appreciate the sides...the rider is bindhu...the consciousness...his journeying through the energie into the worlds...awake qualities ... not on one point... no like a radar system...this have to be mounted in the functional mind...that you can track the wheel .....of prana... yes know many come and say in the tantric world wie work with nadi prama and base is so called hatha yoga pranayama exercise or meditation as concentration and  visualation... but there is something more like that... they are sense of talking a journey......cranking up the maschine along the railroad track... so you can take your journey..but of a higher transcend  that journey... like a unfolding flower expanse.


    a good Name is better than gold


  some of my beloved students    

happy purnima guru ji

    thank you to all my students....was a great day and a divine night you all   om namah shivaya    
  I LOVE YOU   Shankar
  A good Name is better than Gold   padme aruna puri  

Vollmond 9 juli 2017

Vollmond 9 juli 2017   Dieser Vollmond hebt ... gegensätzliche Kräfte oder Polaritäten in deinem Leben .... auch dein Ego gegen Emotionen, ..... deine Arbeit gegen zu Hause ...., oder was du brauchst, was du willst ... .. innere Spannung und äußere Drücke .... kann zu persönlichen Konflikten und Krisen führen, die Ihre Energie abtropfen lassen ....... Die Mondqualitäten von Emotionen und Instinkten ... erreichen ihren Höhepunkt bei Vollmond .... Benutze dich erhöhte emotionale Kraft und Intuition .... um irgendwelche Herausforderungen zu überwinden ..... Unterbewusstes Bewusstsein ermöglicht eine objektive und ausgewogene Schau ..... bei deinen persönlichen Beziehungen ...... Du siehst deutlich eine Beziehungsdynamik ..... oder negative Gefühle .... was Disharmonie verursacht ...... Der Vollmond im Steinbock ist nur einen Grad von Pluto entfernt ..... Dieser Planet der Kraft und Intensität verwandelt ... durch Zerstörung und Erneuerung ..... ist so mächtig wi

Fullmoon 9.july 2017

      Fullmoon  9.july 2017 this full moon highlights ....opposing forces or polarities in your life.... include your ego versus emotions,..... your work versus home...., or what you need versus what you want..... Inner tension and external pressures.... can lead to personal conflict and crises that drain your energy.......   The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts ....reach their peak at a full moon.... Use you increased emotional strength and intuition.... to overcome any challenges..... Subconscious awareness allows for an objective and balanced look your personal relationships...... You will clearly see any relationship dynamics..... or negative feelings.... causing disharmony......   The full moon in Capricorn is only one degree away from Pluto..... This planet of power and intensity transforms.... through destruction and renewal..... is as powerful as a full moon can get..... Emotions are already high.... at a full moon.... but now they


  ॐ...In the silence of your bones and eyes                                                        Forgotten magic sits and waits                                                        for fyah                                                        magic is everywhere.... ॐ