
Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2017 angezeigt.

kali mantra

    Kreem hält den Klang von mahakali ... die Kraft von kreem ist ein Wort ... durch schneidet die Knoten der Chakren und Herz ... weil ist das freundliche Feuer des Herzens ... die kundalini kraft ... die shakti eenergie ... der Erhebung aufsteigengend vom sitz ... Aufhellung ... entzündet Feuer ... weckt die shakti's kundalini krat ... Ma kali weckt die kraftvolle Strömung des Herzens mit kreem .. ausweitung des  kräftiger Strom mit Hum ... und stabilisiert die subtil Energien in kontinuierlichen Fluss von Soma .. hum das lodernde Feuer, das Körper und Geist reinigt ... hreem expansiondes Feuer in die Sonne ... offenes Herz metaphorische Bedeutung .... lächeln .... shreem kühlt die Sonnenkraft im Licht des Mondes weckt die Glückseligkeit der Sahasrara .. ausdruck Ur-Shakti ... unsere große göttliche Mutter ... Kleem manifest Soma, die göttliche Glückseligkeit .... sauh  das Fließen von Soma ... durch  das gereinigtes Herz und den Verstand ... Kre...

mahakali mantra

Kreem hold the sound of mahakali... the force of kreem ist ein word... cutting the knots of the chakras and heart... because is the kindley fire of the heart...guiding the kundalini power... the shakti energy... to rise in a seat of exaltation....lightening...ignites fire...awaken the shakti´s kundalini power... Ma kali awaken the forceful flow of heart with kreem.. expanding forceful current with hum... and stabilised the subtle energy into continual flow of soma.. hum the blazing fire that purify body and mind...hreem expansion fire into the heart metaphoric cools the solar force into light of the moon awaken the bliss of the sahasrara.. aim expression primal shakti...our great divine mother...kleem manifest soma, divine bliss....sauh the flowing of soma ...through purified heart and mind... Kreem hum hreem shreem aim kleem sauh .....bring you to grace and bliss ...make your eternal essence to shine...purified in the universal rays o...

ma kali

Ma Kali is an extremely ancient Goddess..... great passion and fierceness arise... strong ties to the Great Mother Goddess.. her place at Shiva's side... as his consort,... where Kali is granted the female power of Shakti... essence of feminine able to keep... Shiva's destructive aspects of his tandava dance... anti-social and destructive aspects from getting totally out of control...... invaders introduced their patriarchal gods and goddesses into cultures... but Ma Kali remains... to this day... an extremely powerful Goddess... a Warrior Goddess....   always is a protectress.... a great and loving primordial Mother Goddess... she will relieve their suffering and negative Karma... while granting them eternal bliss and liberation from fear.... extremely complex Goddess,... Mother and   Beloved and sister… great lover and   great destroyer… dancing on the chest of her only lover… Shiva …the ancient old dancer….. …she encompasses a wide v...

new moon# may 2017#

New Moon is exactly conjunct Maha Kali, known for having such a terrifying demeanor....which could send us on obsessive tangents,... as well as trigger overly fearful reactions.... feels like one of those moments... when you have an idea that feels.... so big you just wanted to force... it back down into your unconscious again....   unconscious and unspoken.... now has a name and potential and we can’t shove it back where it come from..... must be brave enough.... to gaze upon our fears…and t open a dialogue with it .... the power of knowing... but on an inner level ... “If you know your fear then you can work with it. If you know what you want, you can go for it. The right information can release you from stress, point you on the correct path.. It’s about ´....staying aware of how we use the information we have ....and how we talk to each other....always wants to have the last word ...but sometimes harmony means... holding our tongues....harmony comes from being.... d...
Samādhi ist der höchste Bewusstseinszustand .... des menschlichen Körpers .... Es ist das Ziel unserer spirituellen Reise auf Erden. Samādhi ist die glückselige Rückkehr ... zu unserem göttlichen Ursprung .... Wenn der tausendblättrige Lotus des Sahasrāra-Chakra sich öffnet und sich die seele in ihm auflöst ... der Durst nach dem "Nektar der Unsterblichkeit" Amrita .. Wird gelöscht.... Amrar Tattva, der unser Bewusstsein sofort in Sat Chit Ānanda verwandelt ... die ewige wahre Existenz und das ewig glückselige Bewusstsein ....,. Wie kann man das Bewusstsein von Samādhit beschreiben .. Ich beschreibe als ... keine Individualität .... Bewusstsein und Selbstbewusstsein bestehen weiterhin ..., lebt vom inneren Selbst ... bleibt mit dem Höchsten Selbst .. .. auf der Erde in ewigem Glück und Freude ... und wenn der Körper verzichtet wird .... das Bewusstsein löst sich vollständig im göttlichen Selbst Sie erinnern sich ... es gibt mehrere Ebenen des Bewusstseins .... tie...


Samādhi is the highest state of consciousness.... of   human body.... It is the goal of our spiritual journey on earth. Samādhi is the blissful return... to our Divine origin.... When the thousand-petalled Lotus of the Sahasrāra Chakra opens and the Jīvātmā dissolves within it,.... the thirst for the “nectar of immortality” Amrita... is quenched. Amrar Tattva that transforms our consciousness immediately into Sat Chit Ānanda... the eternally true existence and eternally blissful consciousness...., . How can one describe the consciousness of Samādhit.. i discribe as... no   any individuality.... Consciousness and self-awareness continue to exist...,   lives from the inner Self... remains with the Supreme Self....   on the earth in eternal happiness and joy... and when the body is renounced ....the consciousness dissolves completely in the Divine Self.... you rememeber... there are several levels of consciousness ....deep sleep, dream consciousness, waking ...


Hand your life over to God and then trust that He will give back to you in return what is best for you....


ASATO MĀ SAT GAMAYA TAMASO MĀ JYOTIR GAMAYA MRITYOR MĀ AMRITAM GAMAYA               Lead us from unreality to reality Lead us from darkness into light Lead us from death to immortality


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  ॐ sarvarogahara cakra swamini rahasya yogini the wheel which elminate all disease ॐ

magische kraft

Vishuddhi Chakra Visha = Verunreinigung, Gift Shuddhi = Reinigung Bekannt als das Hals Chakra ..... Zentrum der körperlichen und geistigen Reinigung. Immense Reinigung ... Die Devas und Āsuras ..... wollten den Schatz Amrita ... den Nektar der Unsterblichkeit ... versteckt in den Tiefen des Ozeans, ... an die Oberfläche bringen ... sie benutzten den berg Mandara als Rührstock... die Welten Schlange Vāsuki als   Seil .... die Götter hielten den Schwanz der Schlange ... und die Dämonen hielten den Kopf .... ihrer kombinierten Macht ...., stieg der ersehnte Amrita aus die Oberflächeauf... in einem goldenen gefäss ..... die Schlange .... sie hatten verwendeten.. spuckte ein tödliches Gift aus .. .. das in der Lage war, die ganze Erde zu zerstören ... schnell fingen die Devas sie in einer Schüssel ... wo sie nicht in der Lage war..., irgendeinen Schaden zu machen ... die devas hatten absolut keine Ahnung ... was sie tun sollen ... oder es dauerhaft entsorgen... nur Lord Shi...

magic truth

  The truth should always be spoken with love and not with hate... because physical wounds...   caused by a hate... heal again,... whereas those caused by words.... not heal so easy...   Do not break the ribbon of love.... because of a triviality....once torn it is never again one .... a knot always remains....   Padme aruna puri    

magic power

Vishuddhi Chakra Visha = impurity, poison Shuddhi = purification known as the Throat Chakra.....   centre of physical and spiritual purification.   immense purificatory .... The Devas   and Āsuras .....wanted to raise the treasure Amrita ...the nectar of immortality...   hidden in the depths of the ocean,... to the surface.... they used Mount Mandara... as the stirring stick and the world serpent Vāsuki.... as the rope.... The gods held the tail of the snake... and the demons held its head....   able to churn the ocean of the world ...with their combined power...., the longed-for Amrita rose to the surface in a golden vessel.....But the serpent.... they had used to churn the oceans spat out a deadly poison.... that was capable of destroying the whole earth.... Quickly the Devas caught it in a bowl... so it was not able to do any harm.... But as they had absolutely no idea... what to do with it... or how they could permanently “dispose” of it,....
Kundalinī Yoga is a pure, spiritual science that leads you nowhere....Science ... creates knowledge.....its only possible through...enlightenment and God-Realisation under the spiritual guidance of the divine   Mother..... people who  supposed danger of this path.... either do not have a master...or have a wrong master...., or do not follow the instructions.....  expresses negative views.... , of the problem lies in the fact.... that he has acted without appropriate guidance... or have no Guru... or has ignored the advice of the holy mother....... It is important to be patient and moderate....,  not to force and not to cling onto ideas... such as how ‘it’ will be..., or how ‘it’ should be.... when ‘it’ happens... perhaps you will not even know how... and when has taken place,.... because the spiritual power within you.... has unfolded so naturally and imperceptibly..... modern denkende geist sagt....Kundalinī Yoga ist eine reine, spiritu...