new moon# may 2017#

New Moon is exactly conjunct Maha Kali, known for having such a terrifying demeanor....which could send us on obsessive tangents,... as well as trigger overly fearful reactions.... feels like one of those moments... when you have an idea that feels.... so big you just wanted to force... it back down into your unconscious again....

 unconscious and unspoken.... now has a name and potential and we can’t shove it back where it come from..... must be brave enough.... to gaze upon our fears…and t open a dialogue with it .... the power of knowing... but on an inner level ...

“If you know your fear then you can work with it. If you know what you want, you can go for it. The right information can release you from stress, point you on the correct path.. It’s about ´....staying aware of how we use the information we have ....and how we talk to each other....always wants to have the last word ...but sometimes harmony means... holding our tongues....harmony comes from being.... direct and to the point....

Diplomatic negotiations this time aren’t necessarily easy.. but there is still potential to work out our differences....issues that can tangle us mentally can be overcome by listening to our intuition....  to find clarity... clear your mind... through meditation... spiritual practice... art or music... there are other ways to express your thoughts.... than bad words....

Gemini New Moon holds some challenging masculine energies... and some open doors as well.  …”We can intuitively feel there is a path of growth and movement in our field; we almost surprise ourselves with our willingness to let go ....unless we’re strangling in resistance.....   now... we may be considering our actions internally..., feeling our psyches lurching or flowing towards change.... inner reality precedes the outer reality....

may be represents a downright irritating state... of affairs and may tax your patience..., and leave you feeling... isolated and inadequate... and hard to take decisive action....offense for a blowout exchange... energy over heating your brain.... in reaction to some... but  use it to take stock of your situation..., let your dissatisfaction... with the way things are light a rocket under you... get things done...Frustrations with the way things are can be a great motivator... stressful and difficult relationship to Pluto ... but  Juno ruler of committed relationship...  anticipate ongoing intensity.... and struggle and the emergence and disintegration of whatever keeps us out.... of our empowerment and connection to our rightful path....  no matter which powerful internal demons.... are being wrestled with... and we’ve never been better equipped or more skillful in.... bringing these parts of ourselves to light....

shiva shakti...the  twin... is given free rein to picture and dream. into and even open the space toward... what can be and shall be... in more vibrant worlds to come.... energy is given and so much life-force is funneled.... into sensing new worlds... and exploring all the amazing places.... which these new worlds spark... on the inside of the soul... timelessly and authentically.... connecting with the deepest movements of the soul.... .

Insights arising at this new super moon .... change a life ...if we let them... but be aware ...maha kali is precise at the point....some understand some not...

Shiva  and Shakti together

the planets tweaks

the collective unconscious is stimulated

 acted out in the public eye

 for all to see, as well

 as personally with each one doing

the work to move

the whole closer to awakening

Vow to acknowledge

 your resistances,

your secrecy

 your hesitancies to appear vulnerable

 and where you feel disempowered.

 relationships will act as a magic mirror

 reflecting you back to yourself. 

Own what you see and hear

the energy is subtle

 to heaven and eternal


to the alignment

to the passion play

of the collective drama.

Take the opportunity

of the New Moon

 to reset your sights

on the horizon

where you want

 to find yourself

 in the future.


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