Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2017 angezeigt.
anciet yoga and asana
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yoga asana in the ancient time and today is total different... the sinking inward focus ist not more the main focus... more the gymnastic of the different yoga style´s.... what can be good and healthy for the body.. and the momentan emotions feel more beauty ... but all only outside focus... energy flow out.... Before diving into a discussion of the different understanding.,..... let us just reflect on the word "asana" for a moment...... the Sanskrit word "asanam ...." is derived from the root word "aas ... which means to sit or rest in one place.... In ancient yoga there several asanas described..... some of the more commonly practiced asanas are....sukhasana, padmasana, swastikasana, siddhasana, vajrasana, virasana, bhadrasana etc..... The word asana is not just the sitting posture... but is also applied to the seat on which one sits....Yoga Sutras of Patanjali".... sitting postures that are used for meditation.... sthira-...
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Modern yoga masters.... present us with a whole galaxy of different poses,... or asanas... the modern Bible of asana practice.... most yoga students accept it as an faith.... that these poses have been more or less this form...for centuries..... fold into Downward-Facing Dog...., arch into Upward Bow,... or spiral into a spinal twist.... and believe that are molding the bodies... into archetypal shapes ...whose precise effect... on the body, mind, and nervous system ... has been charted over generations of practice..... most extreme form,... homage to this tradition create yoga fundamentalists....this kind of yogis .... believe the asanas were channeled directly from God.... and passed down through their particular lineage.... any deviation from their version of yoga gospel..... will result in excommunication.... these techniques are employed in one distinct type of Yoga....., but they do not form an ...
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God of the north ... of the storms .... the wind ... the rain ... the death ... the destruction ... hostile to the demons .... punishes the gods for their misdeeds .... wild hunter....lord of the animals.... of the forest ... your ... wild, dangerous, unruly, headstrong, uncultured, impetuous, scary, capricious and unpredictable nature ..... Oh they old name sound ... in myself .... i am not afarid of your ... of your destructive, wild and dark aspect Aghora-Rudraksha i love you shankar
spirit will guide you
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Spirit will guide you Empowered by faith Our weapon is love Thrust forward with grace As we kneel down to pray We Push light in the earth Watch it roll through the cracks Crawl up every fountain Follow the tracks and Inhabit the mountains Spread out in the grass and Reach up to the sun Reflecting it back With love Only love Padme aruna puri