anciet yoga and asana

yoga asana in the ancient time and today is total different... the sinking inward focus ist not more the main focus... more the gymnastic of the different yoga style´s.... what can be good and healthy for the body.. and the momentan emotions feel more beauty ... but all only outside focus... energy flow out....

Before diving into a discussion of the different understanding.,..... let us just reflect on the word "asana" for a moment...... the Sanskrit word "asanam ...." is derived from the root word "aas ... which means to sit or rest in one place.... In  ancient yoga  there several asanas described..... some of the more commonly practiced asanas are....sukhasana, padmasana, swastikasana, siddhasana, vajrasana, virasana, bhadrasana etc..... The word asana is not just the sitting posture... but is also applied to the seat on which one sits....Yoga Sutras of Patanjali".... sitting postures that are used for meditation.... sthira-sukham-asanam....which means "a sitting posture is one which is firm/steady and komfortabel...

The science of  Yoga.... which was developed much later...the word asana ...was extended... to include all the physical see the sinking in the posture is important in yoga for the spiritual benefits....all another is nice but in realitynot yoga...



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