I say “divine darkness,.... people think I am a devil worshiper or
something...... In fact, in some places it is being propagated that Shiva is a demon.....but its the only intelligent concept ....on the planet about the whole process of creation and how it has happened...... I talking about this that you see...he is amazing....the Adiyogi ... the Adi Guru,... the frist Guru... now hold for a moment...

special the rasta community...
and go inside yourself....the first guru......the first rasta...called maharaj gong guru ji...leonard howell... and was a follower of !!!!.... secound step into yourself.... HIM haile sealssie take guru from india for the parlament of ethiopia....he say... a healthy mind can make a healthy work....

is the basis of what I know ..... Yoga does not mean standing on your head or holding your breath......hahahha.... Yoga is the science and technology to know the essential nature of how this life is created..... and how it can be taken to its ultimate possibility....yoga” means “union..... a yogi or yogini... is one who has experienced
the union..... that means..., at least for one moment,....she- he has been absolute

 but dont fall in the trap... light is limited.... there is not light only through nature... without light no darkness.... HE is the light what need no sun.... smile
serena tafari
padme aruna puri


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