Types and Shadows are a means .....

by which God speaks to us through the things He has created..... This is done by substituting spiritual realities .....which are hid from the natural senses.... with the natural things the most not more familiar with......

Basically, a type is nothing more than a substitute for something else that helps to bring forth the meaning of the latter...... It is like this.....; we are told in the Bible of the fallen creature called Heylel.... whi...ch is Satan's true name ....in the original Hebrew text ....Lucifer is Latin..... This creature dwells in a realm that is totally different and separated from our own realm, and thus we know very little of him....therefore, God has chosen to use allegoric type..... references to give us a greater understanding of this creature...... Accordingly, the Bible says ....."Satan he is "as an angel of light," etc..... In essence,..... the Bible tells us the natural environment and all things in it,... were created not only for human existence and interaction, .....but to increase our understanding of that.... which is spiritual and hidden from our senses.....

I like to use the word shadow.... to describe certain types because... its modern day of kali yuga.....definition seems to carry more meaning for our day and age..... keep in mind.....
a shadow type is nothing more than a prophetic type..... used by God to foreshadow that which is to come...... Shadow types express the.... Thus saith the Lord and the ....It shall come to pass... statements that we find in the Bible.... One will also find that just as there are prophetic pronouncements in the Bible for all to see,.... there are just as many...more.....that the Father has hid from the wise and learned...

. In fact, one will never understand the Bible... as one should without first being able to utilize the types for guidance,.... insight...., and the God inspired doctrinal checks and balances... that they were intended to be used for..... Therefore, one might as well determine to learn the types...., and to learn them well.....


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