maa kali yogini´s

 How does the formless give birth to the form of all existence?... 

the formless power Ādyā Śakti becomes the universe first through a glimmer of light....

She is light itself

and transcendent

Emanating from Her body are rays

in thousands, millions, hundred millions.

There is no counting their great numbers.

It is by and through Her that all things

moving and motionless shine.

It is by the Light of this Devi that

all things become manifest.

This body  is described as her light body, her womb body, her original primordial form..... She is this light manifesting all of this existence as we know it..... Her light permeates this world we know does her darkness....

After her light, the next movement towards form is the formation of the tattva, meaning ‘that’ which is.... an epithet of  the ultimate reality.... 

 Here we feel more of the tendrils of connection that are held within Ādyā Kālī.... ultimate reality, the womb, and the manifestation of the tattvas from light..... The tattvas unfold light into form of thirty-six tattvas... thus manifest from the womb mother of all existence....

 Ādyā Kālī brings forth the thirty-six tattvas so that existence and our embodied experience of existence can take form.... One of the forms this takes is actually you.... remind the self and know.... her birthing all aspects, of you....

Another way to understand is ....that the tattvas manifest as each of her names.... as elucidated in the Song of the Hundred Names of Ādyā Kālī..... each of these forms has a distinct, unique flavor and the entire words of her names .... encompasses all of existence..... 

While all these forms are indeed part of Ādyā Kālī’s being,... they are not her entirety.... How could they be.... how can this primordial ultimate non-dual reality have a singular all-inclusive form?...

 One way to approach this question is to begin to take in the depth and complexity of Ādyā Kālī’s forms .... through the recitation of her hundred names.... that begin with ka..... in this way, we can begin to have the direct experience of her.... the felt experience of her, in our bodies and around us..... this, by the way, is a essence of why we undertake pilgrimage.... to feel her body in the landscape, temples, and people and let it permeate us....

maa kali yogini´s


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