Moksha in  Yoga- Darshan.... 

yoga is Practice of Meditation and Samadhi for Renunciation, Self Discipline for Self Realization....  founded by Maharishi Patanjali. ...the  Sutras of the aphorisms of Yoga.... its explains the practical process of heart purification ....which may qualify the individual to experience the absolute Divine....

. Yoga is a ascetic discipline and abstinence ...which the aspirant puts upon himself in order to cleanse his spirit of all material limitations...., and achieve divine consciousness and powers..... 

The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yug, which meant To Unite.... the union of individual consciousness with the Supreme Being....

There are various schools of yoga systems are... 

                  Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma yoga, Hatha Yoga, etc. 

different system of philosophy... three fundamental realities... 

              Ishwara, Purusha and Prakriti... the primordial matter..... 

                  Ishwara is omniscient and is free from the qualities inherent in Prakriti..... 


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