padme aruna puri

 I make obeisance to Ma Kali, She Who Is . . . the Destroyer of the Fear of Death.... Her darkness has the power to remove all of our fears.... her darkness is the remedy.... Her darkness is also the spiritual path..... 

 a tantric instruction.... holding this understanding close will support you as you practice... the Song of the Hundred Names of Ādyā Kālī....  the remembrance that there is wisdom and spiritual instruction... to be found in all the forms of the dark... is a profound teaching....

today people tend to live in a world that valorizes the light over the dark in so many ways..... one of the common mis-understandings found in the spiritual teachings... available to you in the West these days.... is that spiritual development.... means ascending, moving towards the light, and being light....


I offer the students as yoginīs... some instructions around transforming their relationship to the dark....  Part of my own spiritual teaching include to darkness... to understand darkness not as badness... because darkness has the power of love, openness, and availability to grow... 

We don’t try to counteract the dark by increasing the light...., instead, we sit with what is actually happening.... whether it is the increasing dark or the increasing light.... everything is divine from her...


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