shree shree shree maharaj ji Ajuna Puri

 Her Darkness and Her Fierceness....

As we explore her mysteries as the play of light manifesting through the primordial womb...., you may begin to understand as well that Ma Kālī is associated with the deep and dark.... this blue-black in color of the dark Devī 

Ma Kālī’s primordial darkness is part of what takes form through the recitation of the Song of Her Hundred Names.... For example, from the Song is.... as Kālarātriḥ, She Who Is the Night of Darkness.... or Kādambinī, She Who Is as Dark as a Bank of Rain Clouds....

as such, Ma Kālī asks us to come to her darkness, and thus all forms of darkness...., in ourselves and the world...

There is fecundity and hope and love in this darkness .... as we see in these descriptions of her that remove our fears... She ​can blot out the fear of Death...

ermembering that ...Her feet Cancel all fear,....  so why  we needs to fear Death...

padme aruna puri

swamini gupta yogini

                                                                     majestic sadhu 


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