
Es werden Posts vom Dezember, 2021 angezeigt.



sri sri 1008 Mahamandeleshwer Swami Dr. Banwari Puri maharaj ji

                                                                                                  Om namoḥ Ādyāye om                                                                   majestic sadhu                                                  sri sri 1008 Mahamandeleshwer Swami Dr. Banwari Puri maharaj ji

padme aruna puri

 I make obeisance to Ma Kali, She Who Is . . . the Destroyer of the Fear of Death.... Her darkness has the power to remove all of our fears.... her darkness is the remedy.... Her darkness is also the spiritual path.....   a tantric instruction.... holding this understanding close will support you as you practice... the Song of the Hundred Names of Ādyā Kālī....  the remembrance that there is wisdom and spiritual instruction... to be found in all the forms of the dark... is a profound teaching.... today people tend to live in a world that valorizes the light over the dark in so many ways..... one of the common mis-understandings found in the spiritual teachings... available to you in the West these days.... is that spiritual development.... means ascending, moving towards the light, and being light....   I offer the students as yoginīs... some instructions around transforming their relationship to the dark....  Part of my own spiritual teaching include to darkness... to understand darkn

shree shree shree maharaj ji Ajuna Puri

 Her Darkness and Her Fierceness.... As we explore her mysteries as the play of light manifesting through the primordial womb...., you may begin to understand as well that Ma Kālī is associated with the deep and dark.... this blue-black in color of the dark Devī  Ma Kālī’s primordial darkness is part of what takes form through the recitation of the Song of Her Hundred Names.... For example, from the Song is.... as Kālarātriḥ, She Who Is the Night of Darkness.... or Kādambinī, She Who Is as Dark as a Bank of Rain Clouds.... as such, Ma Kālī asks us to come to her darkness, and thus all forms of darkness...., in ourselves and the world... There is fecundity and hope and love in this darkness .... as we see in these descriptions of her that remove our fears... She ​can blot out the fear of Death... ermembering that ...Her feet Cancel all fear,....  so why  we needs to fear Death... padme aruna puri swamini gupta yogini                                                                      m

maa kali yogini´s

 How does the formless give birth to the form of all existence?...  the formless power Ādyā Śakti becomes the universe first through a glimmer of light.... She is light itself and transcendent Emanating from Her body are rays in thousands, millions, hundred millions. There is no counting their great numbers. It is by and through Her that all things moving and motionless shine. It is by the Light of this Devi that all things become manifest. This body  is described as her light body, her womb body, her original primordial form..... She is this light manifesting all of this existence as we know it..... Her light permeates this world we know does her darkness.... After her light, the next movement towards form is the formation of the tattva, meaning ‘that’ which is.... an epithet of  the ultimate reality....   Here we feel more of the tendrils of connection that are held within Ādyā Kālī.... ultimate reality, the womb, and the manifestation of the tattvas from light..... The tattva


 ādyā kālikādevyāḥ śatanāma stotram   Hundred Names of Ādyā Kālī  Mahānirvāṇatantraṃ the Tantrik Hymn to Kālī In Praise of Ādyā Kālī.... is designed for a wide-ranging spiritual the new age we must be more highly educated and more widely, spiritual traveled, than ever before ..... the spiritual hunger of people for real true knowledge... has enhanced the abilities to take in old knowlegde again.....  that just a decade ago have been strict reserved for conversations among elite scholars....  or a whispered between esoteric practitioners.... , in remote logen....  Today, everywhere, people are hungry to touch the depths of beingness..... Ma kali offer all of this fully...., even if doing so may take us into the some realm of existence....  to provide more depth of understanding... for those who want and enjoy such things....your own treasure box of wisdom.... As astute student with devotional yearnings... I trust you to take in what you need.... that serves you ....and to
 What does cliché thinker mean ..... people who only think in clichés, ... in drawers ... and then consider these ideas to be facts ..... typical cliché ....   doctor and nurse .... school principal and teacher ... and so on clichés make it easier .... booklet romance cliché ... clichés are prejudice .... because differences between groups and not differences in living conditions are held responsible .... prejudices learned through the social environment and development .... negative social attitudes as a result of cognitive and socio-cognitive processes ... stereotype ... when will that change .... when will people open up again or this clichéd being of the secular blind community bam
                                                    Moksha in  Yoga- Darshan....  yoga is Practice of Meditation and Samadhi for Renunciation, Self Discipline for Self Realization....  founded by Maharishi Patanjali. ...the  Sutras of the aphorisms of Yoga.... its explains the practical process of heart purification ....which may qualify the individual to experience the absolute Divine.... . Yoga is a ascetic discipline and abstinence ...which the aspirant puts upon himself in order to cleanse his spirit of all material limitations...., and achieve divine consciousness and powers.....  The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yug, which meant To Unite.... the union of individual consciousness with the Supreme Being.... There are various schools of yoga systems are...                    Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma yoga, Hatha Yoga, etc.  different system of philosophy... three fundamental realities...                Ishwara, Purusha and Prakriti... the primordial matter..... 

yogini samadhi

                                                                                 a yogini has achieved Samadhi experience.....                                                    everything in Consciousness....                                                               this is yogic...                                                   all other only is something else...
om namah shivay  
                                                      There is no death...  only a series of ....eternal nows....To lay the groundwork, let’s recap the spiritual view of death..... some think essentially, you drop dead and that’s the end of everything....its the salvation or liberation... you can only dying and this is your purpose or future..... this is the view favoured by intellectuals.... who pride themselves on being,... stoic and realistic enough...  to avoid, cowardly refuge spiritual real space.... that not belief in an afterlife .... and this modern view is not a cheerful one understanding of life....  the universe, called biocentrism, in which life and consciousness create the reality around them....  has no space for death at all..... to fully understand this, we need to go back to relativity,....  that the past, present and future ,,,, are not absolutes... demolishing the idea of time as inviolable.... If you try to get your hands on time,... ‘it’s always slipping through y
 Om Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvatha Sadhike Sharanye Tryambake Gauri Narayani Namo-stute The one who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious ....sarvamangalamangalye the consort of Siva ....Sive who is the means of accomplishing all desires ....sarvarthasadhake who is the refuge of all .... saranye the three eyed one .....tryambake the fair complexioned one ....Gauri Salutations to you, Narayani ....narayani namostute .
 When we live authentically... we are not simultaneously creating a sense of Iam, me, or mine... we are simply being our selfless self..... In yoga posture practice.... we dissolve the technique of moving the body into pure feeling... and then dissolve the mind into that deep experience of feeling....  Then, that is all that is there..... when i chanting, I dissolve seed syllables into pure sound..., and then sound into quiet,.... and then quiet into stillness..., and then stillness becomes nothing other than a contented mind .... that is open and receptive, sharp and still....  When the mind returns to this natural state, anything can arise in mind, body, and heart,.... and in yogic there is no pushing or pulling..., just arising and dissolving... one form becoming, in turn, another.....  Again, the various techniques in the beginning of the yoga practice.... is better to understand .... the technic seen as pointing toward... rather than the technique itself.... but  the mind has a ha
 The first word in the Yoga-Sutra...atha—literally means now...what is here in this moment..... Yoga begins in the present moment.... Yoga is the present moment.... concisely translate ....Yoga begins now..... The teachings of yoga orient us toward this very moment, rendering the future invisible and the past no longer in reach..... unite...which turns yoga into something one does..., a form of willful activity..... In thinking that yoga is the act of uniting one thing with another... breath with movement, body with mind, self with other..., we confuse yoga with the doing of yoga.....  When we use the term in this way ...I’m going to practice yoga....we confuse the techniques or the technology of practice with the experience of yoga..... In every unfolding moment, in any meeting with any person, even in meeting ourselves, everything is complete..... this completeness doesn’t mean that everything is put together in some master plan..... It means that everything is interdependen
 the swamini knows ... that the Yogins only have succeeds by cheerfulness, perseverance, courage, true knowledge,...firm trust in the words of the real authentic guru.... and by abandoning bad company and the ego- focused behave ... making the yoga practice.... by having the right knowledge and firm trust...  opens the door to higher knowlegde and new friendships with mindful people... The purpose of spiritual yogic, is to shift your life force.... from a dormant, or static state to a dynamic state, or wakened.... this requires perseverance, self-discipline, and courage....
the Yogis in respect salute for the teacher... because they known only the teacher can  help to solely you.... for the attainment of  Yoga....  many people regard asanas as a form of physical posture exercise,.... but practicing them in this way is not to be recommended.... it is impossible to master the mind without first controlling its physical counter-part, the body.... the connection between body and mind is one of the fascinating aspects of yoga.... the ability of asanas.... is to raise the vibratory level of the body’s energy....  is seen after, in the lightness of rhytm in the movements of dancing flow of postures...  
 Asanas ... rejuvenate the whole body.... They work primarily on the spine and central nervous system.... by holding the posture, the spine gains in strength and flexibility, and circulation is stimulated...., bringing nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of the body....  postures increase motion in the joints and flexibility in muscles, tendons, and ligaments...and  massage internal organs, boosting their function.... Pranayama  stimulates the energy reserves of the solar plexus...., revitalizing body and mind.... Regulating the breath helps to store prana,... laying down reserves of strength and vitality..... deep, conscious breathing helps to conquer depression and stress, ....and push up the prana by controlling the breath ... relieve symptoms of illness in a similar way to acupuncture..... by propper breathing... Deep relaxation a key exercise... works on three levels – physical, mental, and spiritual ...and is the most natural way to re-energize body and mind.... Regular relaxat
   It is the complete cooperation in our creative power .....  Hrid ... the whole of what we are ..... divine refined vibration..... endless, when womb and woman have moved together into the open field of wisdom..... Female experience is the whole-body revelation of our interdependent ...and infinite beginnings and endings.......  Wholeness is our reality and she has a name.... jaya mata kali jaya
 in the Kālīkula... we revere woman as goddess, not like as  a worldly view of a goddess..... doing so as, dont makes it real...  I invite you to our practice and our sacrifies to the deities.... to come into your own knowing of your being...  comprised of all the forms of Ma Kali´s womb is identical with the divine wisdom... Technically, here in the modern world,  are the men who have sovereignty over the female bodies, although for a long time woman didn’t know this..... they thought their body belonged to someone else....  It is a long path of reclamation to truly know that this beautiful body... we inhabit, no one else shall control..... No one else tells us more, what to do with it....  This is a necessary process for all of people... to go through, in order to embody our own power and spiritual freedom.... I’m not talking about power over...., I’m talking about the power of being fully embodied and moving life force,..... śakti, through our bodies as the true offering to the divi
 Śakti as the Primordial source.... Kālīkula offers us spiritual worldview and set of practices....  to apply them to our own spiritual life in relationship to the Tantric practice... of the Song of the Hundred Names of Ādyā Kālī..... question.... What is it to wake up in the body ...instead of ascending out of the body....  what is it to enliven our inner worlds and relate to the deities from there... what is sacred embodiment... how do we live as the love offering that we truly are.... what is devotion... what is the nature of sacred union...... and what does this have to do with the wild and free Tantric goddess,.... As a woman, in female form, the center of this divine body is the womb and the yoni,.... the center of a divine microcosm of feminine energies.... that are the same energies that comprise all existence.... Our wombs are an inner lotus... that blossoms into fullness as a result of our relationship with the goddess on our spiritual path.....  Underneath all this is the fl